Created at Montaña De Oro State Park, imaged using a Canon 1Ds Mark II with LensBaby Composer Pro w/50mm double glass optic at f/2.8 & f/5.6. These experimental images resulting in a handful of interesting photographs - the punchline for the 50mm double glass optic is that it has a definitive circular focusing area, reaching out to approximately 1/4 of the image frame. At f2.8, the point of focus is a 1/4 again as much as seen in the images. At f/5.6, you get the expected greater depth of field, but still with the 1/4 frame focus sphere. The images were shot RAW and processed in DxO as simulated Agfa APX™ 100 BW film. The images were then imported onto an iPad and cropped/sharpened within Snapseed.